Jen Causey-Kidder
Jen Causey-Kidder July 09, 2019

Mini Jeep Gender Reveal & Pregnancy Announcement

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I’m so excited to finally be sharing this story with you today! When I first got pregnant I thought, no way, I’m not having a gender reveal, there is nothing creative left to do, no confetti balloons for me (no offense if that’s your jam). A few of my friends encouraged me to think about it and just do something little to celebrate the special milestone and nothing was clicking for me. Until one day I stumbled upon this adorable Mini Jeep on Amazon. Not 100% sure how that happened but I have bought parts for my Jeep and Sheep In A Jeep the kids book, so maybe Amazon’s algorithm deemed me fit to see an ad for that darling little ride on toy. As soon as I saw it I imagined myself driving that little Jeep across my parent’s lawn to share the news and I was sold. The perfect idea and just perfect for me. I also figured a photo of it next to my Jeep would make a great pregnancy announcement too (had to make it worth its price), and it did. However, the idea meant that I had to find out the gender alone, build the Jeep toy by myself, get it to the party, and keep it all a secret for weeks, which wasn’t easy at all but it was totally worth it. The event was short and sweet, just a fun quick celebration with my favorites to start our pregnancy journey. I filmed the reveal and there’s a fun little twist at the end, I hope you enjoy.

Adorable Mini Jeep Gender Reveal and Pregnancy Announcement

Sandwiches & Candy

I kept the party treats really simple; Subway sandwiches and a small candy bar filled with blue and pink candies. I already had all the jars and tablecloths, the only thing I bought was the oh baby sign and the steamer backdrop to kind of cover up the garage wall in my parents backyard.

Adorable Mini Jeep Gender Reveal and Pregnancy Announcement

Cast Your Vote

I made this little sign using my Cricut and had my friends and family all cast their vote by wearing either a pink or blue necklace. I wore both because I’m the only one who knew… well, me and the cookie lady!

Cast Your Vote, boy or girl?

Here’s My Reveal Video:

My sweet little Delilah. Our resident uber-talented florist Jacki lives next door to my parents and Delilah is her daughter. Once she saw the Jeep she headed right for it and I of course let her drive it because why on earth would I say no. I had no idea she didn’t know how to drive a toy car and she ended up gently crashing into the table… at least she was in a Jeep.

Custom Cookies:

After I shared the fabulous news I handed out custom “It’s A Girl” Jeep cookies I had made by Sweetsicle Bake Shop. There was plenty of candy for everyone to snack on so these were just a sweet treat for the end of the party. They are just as delicious as they are pretty!

Custom It's a Girl, Jeep cookies for a gender reveal party.

Pregnancy Announcement

Just a few quick pictures in the park made for the perfect baby girl pregnancy announcement for us!

Mini Jeep vs. Real Jeep Pregnancy Announcement

Special Gift For Big Sissy

My husband has a daughter from his previous relationship and she’s not only the cutest but also the sweetest. Very proud Step-Mom here, I like to call myself her “Extra Mom” because step sounds so terrible. The special pink mini Jeep became a gift to her from Baby Hadley and Big Sissy loves it! Jeep Girl in the making. Thanks to Jacki for the idea.

Pink mini Jeep sibling gift

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