Jen Causey-Kidder
Jen Causey-Kidder August 13, 2018

Personalized Cocktail Cups With Cricut

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One of my favorite things to do with my Cricut is personalize. Personalize everything; tote bags, pillowcases, shirts, blankets, signs, and even cocktail cups! Today I’m using the new Cricut Premium Permanent Vinyl to make the personalization of these cups last through condensation and it’s fabulous. This vinyl laughs in the face of water and stays in place! Just a few weeks ago Martha Stewart released her very own, stunning, sold exclusively at Michaels, which of course is the most gorgeous shade of gold! If launching her new Cricut wasn’t enough, she’s also now selling the most fabulous line of party supplies and decor at Michaels called Celebrations, have you seen it? An entire aisle packed full of adorable party designs in the most fantastic color themes including the Mint + Blush items that I’m using in this feature. I also used the entire Mint + Blush line at my baby shower last weekend and it was fabulous, I’ll be sharing lots of details about that soon! One of my favorite items is the floral printed plastic straws, they aren’t paper so they don’t fall apart and get mushy in your drink, but they are printed and beautiful! For this project, I cut them in half to fit the cocktail cups and I did that at my shower too!

Quick and easy personalized cocktail cups!
Use the new Cricut premium vinyl to personalize any cups!

Make Them Feel Welcome

These inexpensive cups with personalized detailing will make any guests of any event feel welcome. Anytime I arrive to a party and my name is on something, it gives me the warm and fuzzies… so this project can do that for your guests too!

Quick and easy personalized cocktail cups!
Use the new Cricut premium vinyl to personalize any cups!
Quick and easy personalized cocktail cups!

Create In Design Space

The first step is to login to Design Space and start designing your cups! Either by the bridal party roles, names, nicknames, etc. I used Cricut Sans and Watermelon Script fonts. I kept the names under 3″ so they wouldn’t wrap too far around the cups, but that’s your call. Prepare your mat and get ready to cut!

Click on this link to visit my canvas in Design Space to use my cut files!

Quick and easy personalized cocktail cups with the Cricu!

Let Your Martha Cricut Work It’s Magic

Use the new Cricut premium vinyl to personalize any cups!


Weed, aka. remove, all the non-design areas of the vinyl sticker using your gold Martha Cricut tools. I know the white on white is kinda hard to see here but I hope you get the gist.

Quick and easy personalized cocktail cups with the Cricu!

Transfer Tape

Transfer tape is the BEST and if you’ve never used it, you must try it. Basically you transfer your new vinyl stickers from their base to a clear film so you can properly position them on their final resting place. Cut a piece of transfer tape just larger than your designs, peel and evenly smooth on top of the vinyl. Burnish with the scraping tool for adhesion, peel the vinyl off your cutting mat and cut the stickers into smaller pieces, in this case cut out each name.

Use the new Cricut premium vinyl to personalize any cups!

Apply To Cups

Now carefully peel the transfer tape and your new sticker from the vinyl backing and then place them onto each cup. Burnish a little and carefully peel the transfer tape off, leaving a perfectly personalized cocktail cup!

Quick and easy personalized cocktail cups with the Cricu!

Premium Permanent Vinyl

Condensation? Water? Cocktail? Washing? None are a problem for Cricut’s new Premium, Permanent Vinyl. If you use the regular vinyl for this project, it’s ok but once the cup gets condensation on it, the sticker could peel off… not with the new premium permanent line! YAYA! Better supplies = higher quality crafts!

Use the new Cricut premium vinyl to personalize any cups!
Quick and easy personalized cocktail cups with the Cricu!
Use the new Cricut premium vinyl to personalize any cups!

Personalize To Your Hearts Content

From your engagement party to your bridal shower, and from your bachelorette party to your wedding – make it personal! If making cups for the entire guest list of your wedding is too daunting, do just the head table. This quick project is sure to put a smile on the faces of the special people named, who get to drink from their own cups!

Quick and easy personalized cocktail cups with the Cricu!
Use the new Cricut premium vinyl to personalize any cups!
Use the new Cricut premium vinyl to personalize any cups!
Quick and easy personalized cocktail cups with the Cricu!

DIY Tutorial Sponsored By:

Sponsored by Cricut and Martha Stewart

Cricut is a world-class leader in personal electronic cutting machines that has enabled people to achieve their creative best for over 50 years. Today, millions of people use Cricut products to create unique projects, and they focus on enhancing lives with this power of creativity. Let Cricut help you take your wedding personalization and project creativity to the next level!

Use the new Cricut premium vinyl to personalize any cups!

As with all our DIY tutorials, if you create one of our projects please send us a picture – We Love Seeing Your Creativity! If you use Instagram or Twitter please use the hashtag #SomethingTurquoiseDIY and it will show up on our Get Social page. Happy Crafting!

DIY Tutorial Credits

Photography + DIY Tutorial: Jen Causey of Something Turquoise // Cricut® Explore Air™ 2 Special Edition, Martha Stewart Machine Bundle, Premium Vinyl, and Transfer Tape: courtesy of // Martha Stewart Celebrations Mint & Blush Items: Michaels // Nail Polish: OPI – Withstands the Test of Thyme

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