Jen Causey-Kidder
Jen Causey-Kidder November 15, 2011

wedding websites | wedding jojo

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Have you created a wedding website yet? If not, I highly recommend it! My favorite wed-sites are from Wedding JoJo, they offer modern, unique, and whimsical themes, designed to give the bride + groom visually appealing ways to share all of their special wedding information…

Wedding Websites from Wedding JoJo - Something Turquoise

When creating a ‘wed-site’ you will be able to share photos, use online rsvp services, share registry information, have an online guest book, provide travel accommodations and so much more! Before you sign up, make sure that the options you are looking for fit your budget. Some companies offer certain features for free and others charge a minimal monthly fee to have full range of their features. To me, there are two really important reasons to have a wed-site, everything else is gravy. 1. Registry Information: under no circumstances should registry information ever be put into a wedding invitation – but your wed-site url can be! Most sites now offer direct links straight to your registry list, so your guest doesn’t even have to search for your name. 2. Hotel Information: make it easy for your relatives to find their options for hotels and if there is any special information about booking, all in one place.

Here are three of my favorite themes from Wedding JoJo: Spring, Ocean, and Craft:

Wedding Websites from Wedding JoJo - Something Turquoise

Something Turquoise is the best wedding blog!

Here are a few other companies that offer great wedding websites:

~ Project Wedding another one of my favs!

~ eWedding …I used this company for my wedding website – wedding blogs didn’t even exist then!

~ Wedding Wire … featuring over 120 designer themes!

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